Healthy Eating / Bwyta’n Iach

The school operates in accordance with our Whole School Food and Fitness Policy.  The Local Authority’s agreed menus for school lunches, which are cooked and served on the premises, are offered daily. 

Pupils are taught about healthy/ unhealthy lifestyles through the school’s well-being curriculum and are encouraged to eat fruit for their mid-morning break. The pupils are encouraged to drink water throughout the day. There is a water fountain available in the main reception area.

Autumn 2024

Well-Being Warriors/ Healthy Schools

A new group of Well-being Warriors have been formed. They have shared out the Well-being file and targets. They have created a poster about themselves, and this is now up in every classroom, and it has been sent out on Schoop to the parents and carers. For world kindness day they sent out a poster entitled ‘7 Ways to Start Making Kindness the Norm in our Daily Lives’.

Well-being Warriors delivered an assembly to Year 1 – 6 the week beginning 25.11.2024, to share areas of importance to make us a healthy school. They also had a meeting with Emma Jenkins, an emotional health and well-being practitioner from the CAMHs School – In Reach Team, to share and discuss their adopted ethos of the 5 Steps to Well-being.

Mrs Jenkins has also provided parental workshops for our parents to support the 5 steps to well-being.

Healthy Schools/ Ysgolion Iach

2023 – 2024

During the autumn term, the Healthy Schools’ Club applications were completed by interested pupils.  Roles and responsibilities were shared with the successful applicants and regular weekly meetings were set up.

They supported the mindfulness project ‘Young Minds’ by organising a #helloyellowday. They also asked classes to engage in ‘Anti-Bullying Week’ activities.

As part of ‘Food and Fitness’ – The Healthy Schools’ Club created a Halloween ‘Monster Moves’ charades game for a fitness activity. The club then led a Foundation Learning assembly and all the children enjoyed this. Copies of the game were given out to all junior classes in the week leading up to Halloween.

For Christmas, the Club organised a Christmas art competition to design fruit or vegetable friends for ‘Kevin the Carrot’ (a famous Christmas vegetable character from the Aldi advert). Their aim was to promote healthy eating over the Christmas period.

During the spring term, Healthy Schools’ Club created a team called ‘Well-being Warriors’. They read the NHS website about well-being and really liked the poster they had called ‘5 Steps to Well-being.’

They included all their ideas into a mind-map to create a child friendly poster on the following areas:

1. Connecting with people

2. Being active

3. Taking notice of feelings 

4. Keep learning

5. Being kind. 

They put up a new notice board to share their work.

During the summer term the ‘Well-being Warriors’ presented a presentation to the Café Cynefin audience. They shared the work that we do as a school to support health and well-being. The pupils have also focussed on the importance of healthy snacks that are brought to school for break time. The club checked snacks to ensure they are healthy by collecting class data and created posters to remind the classes and families about this.