Safeguarding and Child Protection at Baglan Primary School

In Wales, primary schools are required to have comprehensive safeguarding and child protection policies to ensure the safety and well-being of their pupils. These policies typically include clear procedures for reporting concerns, designated safeguarding leads, and adherence to national guidelines.

Key Components of School Safeguarding Policies:

  • Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL): Schools appoint specific staff members responsible for overseeing safeguarding matters.
  • The safeguarding lead for Baglan Primary School is Mrs N Morgan
  • The deputy safeguarding leads for Baglan Primary School are Mrs A Smart and Mrs E Challenger.
  • Clear Reporting Procedures: Schools establish protocols for staff and students to report concerns about abuse or neglect. This includes identifying signs of harm and understanding the duty to report.
  • If you are concerned about a pupil please contact the school on 01639 813112 and ask to speak to a safeguarding lead.
  • Comprehensive Policies: Schools develop policies that align with national guidelines, such as the Welsh Government’s “Keeping Learners Safe” framework, to ensure a consistent approach to safeguarding across educational settings.
  • Please find the link to the school safeguarding and child protection policy below.

National Resources and Guidance:

  • Safeguarding Wales: This platform provides detailed information on safeguarding procedures, roles, and responsibilities, including guidance on reporting suspected abuse or harm.
  • Welsh Government Guidance: The Welsh Government offers comprehensive guidance on safeguarding, including protocols for handling cross-border child protection cases and responding to child sexual exploitation.

It’s essential for parents and guardians to familiarise themselves with their child’s school’s safeguarding policies and the national resources available. If you have concerns about a child’s safety, you can contact Baglan Primary School, the local safeguarding boards or consult the Welsh Government’s guidance on reporting suspected abuse, neglect, or harm.